Supported by: Andrew lowe – Travel counsellors


What happens if the competition isn't full when the time limit is reached?

If the competition is not full by the date specified, the draw will roll over for a further 7 days. This will happen on 3 occasions until the tickets are sold. If on the third rollover the tickets still aren’t sold, the draw will take place and the winner will win 60% of the ticket sales.

How long until I get my prize?

Vip Escape Competitions will be delivered within a 14 day period.

Is the draw random?

The draw will be completely at random as the winner will be drawn on an online random selector along with a live stream visible to the public.

How many times can I enter a single draw?

Each player is able to enter the competition a total of 5 times.

How do I enter a competition?

Each player must enter via our direct site at & select a competition to enter along with completing the question & answer.

How do I win?

The competition is completely random. The entries & players will be entered into the draw and a winner will be chosen at random. The more tickets you have the more entries you get.